Tuesday 4 October 2016

Who are you really ?

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'But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love' - 1 John 4:8 [NLT]

I came to the realisation not too long ago that I didn't know who Jesus was at all, but even more specifically who he was to me personally. Every time I sinned, I would be so scared to approach God and ask for forgiveness because I thought that he would be angry and frustrated at me for doing the things I knew wasn't right.

It is absolutely crazy to believe that I once had these thoughts because this is not who Jesus is at all. Even though he is upset when we fall short, he is ALWAYS there with open arms ready to take us back when we have drifted away and always quick to forgive.

One of my favourite parables in the bible and probably the best illustration that describes God's character is the Prodigal Son which, if you want to have a quick read of it, can be found in Luke 15:11-32. It is one of the most known parables in the bible but it's so funny how there are things that can be overlooked just because 'you've heard it all before'. When reading this story, many of us focus on the son's journey and how he took his father's money, spent it all until he had nothing and then came back home that we forget the character who remains constant, the forgiving father. To think that after all the son had done, his father rushed to him with open arms, so full of compassion and love for his child because he was just glad that he came back home. This story simply shows us God and his unfailing and unconditional love for us; forever ready to take us back into his loving arms.

There is so much that can be said on God's character but it can all be summed up in one phrase: God is love.

 So if you ever feel like you have forgotten who he is or that you just need a reminder, go back and read the Prodigal Son or make a challenge for yourself to find bible verses that reveal God's character to you.

'The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to anger and filled with unfailing love.' - Psalms 103:8 [NLT]