Thursday 2 March 2023

Fear Not


I've joined in on this 75-day reading challenge that is being led by Pastor David Asscherick in reading Patriarchs & Prophets by Ellen G. White. This book goes through the first half of the old testament providing context to some of the stories we know so well and to the ones we may not know so much about. It's been such an incredible read and has made me fall in love with God and His Word all over again, so I encourage everyone to take part! You can catch up on the challenge on David Asscherick's YouTube channel here or follow him on his Instagram page where he uploads his notes here or follow along with the hashtag: #OTwithDA.

I am quite a bit behind, but I like the pace that I'm going with at the moment. I have just finished reading Chapter 17 of the book which covers Jacob's Flight and Exile after having deceived his father Isaac and his brother Esau into receiving the birthright (a recap that I may cover in another blog post). Jacob's whole story is so heart-wrenching and so beautiful at the same time and you can go back and read the story in Genesis 28-31. But Jacob's story beautifully portrays God's goodness and graciousness despite Jacob's shortcomings and sinful actions, whilst also showing the impact and consequences of our poor decisions; such a beauty for ashes turnaround.

There's this rubric that David Asscherick goes through after each chapter which I feel helps me summarise what I've learnt and put things into better perspective:

Point - "What is the point of this chapter?" "What has it taught you?"

Person - "What has this chapter revealed to you about the person/character of God?"

Prayer - "How would you pray this chapter"

Practice - "How would you practice this chapter? "What practical lessons could you draw from this chapter?"

Promise - "What is God's promise to you through what you've read in this chapter?"

So, to summarise this chapter I start with one word. What is one word that could encapsulate this entire chapter? For me, this would simply be: Fear

Why fear you may ask? When you go back and read through those chapters, the bible tells in great detail how fearful Jacob was when he had to flee for his safety from the wrath of his brother Esau. Not only this, but the deception also caused him to fear and question whether God had turned away from him. Even in the harsh and manipulative treatment from his uncle Laban, the main reason why he didn't leave that toxic environment sooner was because he still had great fear that if he were to leave, that Esau would find him and kill him. This was still the main fear in his heart even after God's reassurance (Jacob's ladder) and even after 20 years.

So in response to the rubric, this is what I took from the chapter:

Point - That our sinful actions have consequences (Proverbs 13:15). To also reveal God's faithfulness to His promise and covenant first made to Abraham carried out and fulfilled through Jacob (Land & Descendants).

Person - This chapter revealed to me that God is who He says He is. Emmanuel: God is WITH us.

Prayer - God, help me to stand firm on your promises and to not live in a constant state of anxiety and fear; despite the chaos that is going on around me. Knowing that you are with me always and will not forsake me.

Practice - Heed only to Godly counsel and don't allow ungodly opinions/advice to lead me astray. Jacob listened to the unwise counsel from his mother Rebekah which ended up causing dire consequences that impacted future generations.

Promise - "What’s more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you." - [Genesis 28:15 NLT]

Want to know where you can read Patriarchs & Prophets by Ellen G. White? I've included some links below :)

Read Patriarchs & Prophets online here

Listen to an Audiobook of Patriarchs & Prophets here

Discover more about the author of Patriarchs and Prophets, Ellen G. White here


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