Thursday 7 June 2018

What's Your Vision?

Currently, I am unemployed and broke.

 It has been my motto since I've finished my degree at university; but what has surprised me is how I've been dealing with it. Usually I would be controlled by my anxiety and fall into depression but I have been at peace and simply content. Now that is growth! I've felt my relationship with God deepen, I am trusting in Him wholeheartedly and I am learning to be content with the stage that I'm at right now, knowing that God is in control and perhaps that this time of my life is needed.

There was this devotion that I was going through on the YouVersion Bible App called: Visioneering which literally has been such a huge encouragement and help. I most definitely believe that God has been speaking through this devotion as it has just reinforced the promises that God has made to me through His word. It has also allowed me to really use this time in my life to really figure out what I envision for my life; what I want to achieve and what God wants for me.

I don't want to give too much away because I do highly recommend that you go through this devotion for yourself but there were some bits that really stood out for me that I would like to share with you.

"Visioneering requires patience, investigation and planning. Visioneering requires faith in God's ability to work behind the scenes. Confidence that he will orchestrate what he has originated."

"There will be seasons when you feel like you are making little if any progress. In those times it will be easy to get little if any progress. In those times it will be easy to get distracted. This is when you must join with Nehemiah in declaring,

'I am doing a great work and I cannot come down' (Nehemiah 6:3)

Whether your visions are family, ministry or business orientated, they require constant attention. Stay focused."

What an encouragement right! The main points that stood out for me were that when you are trying to envision and plan for your future you really have to practice patience, have faith and believe that God will help and be there every step of the way. Also to have the confidence that God will do what He says He will do!

If you are in this period of your life like me and everything seems so out of reach; confused, frustrated and doubting that what you want will happen. I want you to know that God is able and that He has great things in store if you just commit your plans to Him and believe that He will do what He said He will.

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans." - Proverbs 16:3 [NIV]

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